Golden Hour Stroll
Golden Hour Stroll
"Golden Hour Stroll” is an original watercolor painting designed perfectly for any small space within your home. The composition is of a beloved location in Maine, Sandy Point in Stockton Springs, Maine where during sunset, the water was still and the evening glow cast itself over the land. My favorite time of day to walk to this beautiful location was at golden hour. To get to the beach, you would have to walk through tall grassy paths filled with the sounds of Maine. I hope this is an inspiring sunset painting for your cozy space within your home.
Painted Area: 8"x10"
Watercolor, Pencil, Pen & Acrylic
Location Pictured:
Sandy Point Beach in Stockton Springs, Maine
Shipping & Product Details:
Free Shipping. Typically Arrives between 5-7 business days.
Product will arrive packaged and ready to frame in a frame of your choosing. Frame not included in purchase.
Recommended Frame Size:
11"x14" with an 8"x10" inset matting