About Me

I am Nicole Lesher, the Owner & Artist of this little art shop. I was born and raised in Maine and now live in Kansas where I am a stay at home Mom of a toddler boy, a wife to an incredibly supportive husband, I'm a homemaker, and if that doesn't keep me busy enough, I paint anything and everything in what little spare time I have. Needless to say, I am not a full time artist, but this allows for my faith & family to remain the priorities in my life.

I am still in the discovery phase of my painting style, and honestly might always be, and that's what makes this little art business so fun for me. I am still learning to find time in my busy life to do the things I love that connect me more with my Creator as I create these paintings & products for you. 

I have been painting since I was a little girl and it was clear to my family, friends, teachers, church leaders, and anyone I encountered (because I was always found with a coloring book or colored on any paper I could put my hands on) that this was what I loved to to. When it was time for me to go off to college, I initially went to college for painting at Kansas State University, but changed career paths to pursue a degree that could help me take care of my college debt a bit better than a "starving artist" could. In a round about way, I ended back in Maine to work for the most incredible wedding venue in the US, French's Point. Upon working there as an intern in college, I immediately fell in love with the property, the owner & her family and when the opportunity came about to work there again after I graduated, I left everything, my first job after college, my fiance (my now husband), apartment and more to work at this dream job/venue. You will see many paintings in my French's Point Collection that reflect my time there and each of those paintings now hang in the homes at the French's Point Estate. Many of my floral paintings are inspired by the florals I saw at the high end weddings I worked at while I was there. The Maine Landscapes also are inspired by the time I spent there, the trips we took to Acadia National Park, and the walks down to the beach just down the road from our cute little Maine cottage we lived in, which was right down the road from French's Point. We were living the dream, but we also had another dream, to grow our little family of two, to three. Once we found out we were expecting our little guy, we knew God was opening a door for us to head to Kansas to be near family so we could have all the help we could get raising our little family. So now, we are in Kansas, where our faith has grown even more, our family time is plentiful, and this art shop has reopened with a new focus, first on faith and family, and next on sharing my love of painting with all of you! 

My hope with every painting is that you find joy in the piece you choose for your home or to gift to another. Whether through the use of detailed choices of color, a sweet memory of a place I have painted, or words that refocus you on your Creator as you go about your day, I hope they fill your home with meaning and inspiration. 

To read more about my story and stay up to date on my family's latest, read more on our family's blog at lifesetapart.com