In The Beginning

In The Beginning

The beginning of Nicole May Lesher's Fine Art Paintings.

In The Beginning | Fine Art Paintings | Nicole May Lesher

January 2020

Where to start?

The year 2020 seemed so unknown and I was having trouble seeing what was ahead. I heard myself asking all the questions, “What lies ahead? What has God planned for me this year? For my marriage? How can I serve others better? What can I do with my extra time?” Well, a few of the answers came so quickly that it seemed completely surreal. Let’s fast forward just a couple of weeks:

February 3, 2020

The Business Plan.

It was a Monday morning and I was sitting on my kitchen floor scrolling through Pinterest (yes, sometimes I sit in weird places). I stumbled across colorful floral acrylic paintings that reminded me of what I longed to do with an eventual art business in the future. Moments later, I found myself at my dining room table, with a handful of colorful markers, a giant sketch book, a 6-page business plan and multiple pages of sketches. My future aspirations became my present. I had completely lost track of time when my husband walked through the door after work and asked me what I had been up to all day. The story of my day did not come as a surprise to him because he is used to some elaborate ideas I come up with. This time his reaction was a little different to my current crazy idea, one of belief in me that I could pull off an online art business (I really need to start giving him more credit…). We went through all the plans & dove deeper into researching fine art businesses.

February 6, 2020

My Art Studio.

I got home from work and my husband and I jumped into rearranging the house to find him an office space for the computer I got him for Christmas. Rearranging one space quickly turned into moving our guest room around… and our dressing room…. and our bedroom… and essentially making an incredible mess of the whole house. But quickly dreams were becoming a reality. Turns out my husband was eager to get me a space to paint and call my own, just as much as I was wanting to give him an office space. Our guest room turned into my art studio that night instead of a home office. I cherished the first moments of having my own space to create by blasting country music, plugging in my rainbow Christmas lights, and dancing with my husband in the middle of the room. I had always dreamed of having an art studio, and it came when I least expected it.  

February 10, 2020

Let the Painting Begin!

Saturday rolled around and my husband and I found ourselves at Hobby Lobby, Joann’s, & A.C. Moore shopping for canvases, paint brushes & acrylic paints. We hit up every sale we could find, filled our cart & arms with as many supplies as we could carry, and before leaving town we grabbed some Chic-Fil-A for the road! We rushed home, unpacked all the new supplies, laid down butcher paper on the floor & I got to work! By 11:00pm that night I had my first painting, “Mango Tango”, and a head full of ideas for the hundreds more I wanted to create this coming year.


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